· Before helping another locate his ball, find your own. If possible, play it, even if you do not have the honor.
· You frequently can play out of turn if you are separated from the rest of the foursome.
· When possible select your club, line up your shot, and perform all other personal rituals while the other person is hitting so you can hit immediately after he does.
· Be smart using the cart. Coordinate movements with your partner. Unchain yourself when appropriate from the cart by taking several clubs in preparation for the next shot. When waiting to hit, drop your partner at his/her ball and proceed to your ball to prepare for your shot.
· Avoid prolonged sessions imparting instructional tips. Lessons should be given on the practice tee and are inappropriate for the course.
· A great deal of time is wasted on the green. You should do all housecleaning, surveying and other ceremonies as soon as you reach the green or while the next player is doing his or her chores so you can hit as soon as it is your turn.
· Putt out instead of marking.
· Most one-foot putts should be conceded.
· On a par three don't wave the next group to hit if the next hole is open.