LEAGUE PLAYOFFS Schedule - 2019

1 2 3
Week Number --> 1 2 3 4
Cirio, Malick, Skursky, Walters (1/1) 8 5 - -
Webbert, Cho, Mudrick, Hedman (2/2) 7 - - -
Sommer, Baker, Kim (3/3) 6 - - -
Burke, Hasselbarth, Handiboe, Lundfelt (4/4) 5 - - -
Cannon, Cannon, Hohman, Wallace (5/5) 4 1 6 -
D'Ambrosio, Steinwand, Leopold, David (6/6) 3 7 5 A
Moss, Holdefer, Timmer, Shulder (7/7) 2 6 - -
Kennerly, Ericksen, Jaunzemis, Landshof (8/8) 1 - - -

Bracket Ladder

 1 Cirio
 1 Cirio
 8 Kennerly
 5 Cannon
 4 Burke
 5 Cannon
 5 Cannon
 6 D'Ambrosio
 2 Webbert
 7 Moss
 7 Moss
 6 D'Ambrosio
 3 Sommer
 6 D'Ambrosio
 6 D'Ambrosio

* => Match Played T => Tentative Match
* => Match To Be Played E => Extra Match
* => No Data Received B => Bye Week

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