2015 - Diamond Ridge

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 2 Francomacaro, Watson 132.0 19 6.94
2 10 Harter, Kulp, Tilghman 124.5 19 6.55
3 6 Cirio, Malick, Rahnis, Skursky, Walters, Weisman 108.0 17 6.35
4 7 Porter, Johnston, Layman 108.0 18 6.00
5 4 Henrick, Phalen, Lewis, Linderman, Watkins, Kennedy, Coon 102.5 18 5.69
6 9 Rooney, Hoff 95.0 17 5.58
7 3 Griesmar, Swana, Park, Barr, Cascio 95.0 18 5.27
8 1 Cannon, Cannon, Wineke 93.5 18 5.19
9 11 Phillippi, Maras, Knowles 90.0 18 5.00
10 12 Barkley, Cook, Shoaf 87.0 18 4.83
11 5 Shaffer, Humphreys, Humphreys 74.5 17 4.38
12 8 Landshof, Kumar, Oxenrider, Erlandson, Hicks, Paschke 63.0 17 3.70

Diamond Ridge: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2015 - Northwest Park

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 11 Trepkowski, Neal 130.5 17 7.67
2 10 Koehler, Duhon, Cooley, Miller, Batzler 112.5 17 6.61
3 5 Pixler, Mobley, Potocki, Davis, Bugenhagen 92.5 16 5.78
4 8 Farrell, Wisner, Thompson 92.0 16 5.75
5 9 Rodberg, Canoy, White, Brown, Anderson 89.5 16 5.59
6 4 Marquart, Terlaje, Terlaje, Mackey, Vidmar 86.5 16 5.40
7 7 Bernstorf, Friedman, Ford, Wynne 86.0 16 5.37
8 1 Bogus, Monica, Batis, Clader, Goodsell 85.5 16 5.34
9 3 Anderson, Gibson, Binning, Erlandson 73.5 16 4.59
10 2 Carey, Adams, John, Marrese, Cooper 66.5 16 4.15
11 6 Fitzgerald, Kim, Gronvall, Johnson, Woodland, Cirio, Walters, Malick, Gronvall 64.0 16 4.00

Northwest Park: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2015 - Links at Challedon

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 5 Green, Kubik, Fitzgerald, Lurz 123.5 19 6.50
2 3 Amann, Hohman, Miller 112.0 19 5.89
3 11 Adams, Kennerly, Gibson, Anderson 110.0 19 5.78
4 9 Reinders, Layman, Norkus, Clopein 109.5 19 5.76
5 6 Magee, Farnan 101.5 18 5.63
6 8 Switlick, Switlick, Sotzen, Honke, Piper, Neary 100.5 18 5.58
-tie- 2 Wallace, Cannon, Casciani 100.5 18 5.58
8 1 Gribben, Gulotta 96.0 18 5.33
9 7 Noble, Gafke, Sunday 94.0 18 5.22
10 4 John, Webbert, Gorczyca, Mudrick 84.5 17 4.97
11 10 Gartz, Trunk, Grantham, Wehar 81.5 17 4.79
12 12 Saunders, Coolahan, West, Lesho, Lesho 85.5 18 4.75

Links at Challedon: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2015 - Timbers at Troy A

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 4 McEntire, Roca, Smith, Hagan, Hudson, White 121.5 19 6.39
2 2 Fitzgerald, Sommer, Baker, Kim, Cirio 113.5 19 5.97
3 3 Langhauser, Kistler, Barker, Bitner 101.0 18 5.61
4 1 Marrese, Flanigan, Renda, Kurowski 96.0 18 5.33
5 6 Marchetti, Johng, Sames 95.0 18 5.27
6 5 Hyer, Shafer, Sapp, Engler, Smith 74.0 18 4.11

Timbers at Troy A: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2015 - Timbers at Troy B

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 4 Baumgart, Flanigan, Case, Wichlin, Torruellas 123.5 19 6.50
2 3 Tepe, D'Ambrosio, Marrese 115.0 19 6.05
3 2 Poling, Wallace, Francomacaro, Watson, Jackson 101.5 18 5.63
4 6 Hibbard, Mastandrea, Krueger 95.5 18 5.30
5 1 Mathews, Simkins, Hittinger 94.0 18 5.22
6 5 Dolinish, White, Schmidt, Sievers 75.5 18 4.19

Timbers at Troy B: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2015 - League Playoffs

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 3 Flanigan, Case, Wichlin, Torruellas 23.5 3 7.83
2 4 Green, Fitzgerald, Lurz 19.5 3 6.50
3 8 Amann, Hohman, Miller 12.5 2 6.25
4 2 Francomacaro, Watson 11.5 2 5.75
5 7 Harter, Kulp, Tilghman 4.0 1 4.00
6 1 Trepkowski, Neal 2.5 1 2.50
7 6 Koehler, Duhon, Cooley, Miller, Batzler 2.0 1 2.00
8 5 McEntire, Roca, Smith, Hagan, Hudson 1.5 1 1.50

League Playoffs: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs