2019 - Diamond Ridge

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 1 Cannon, Cannon, Hohman, Wallace 106.5 17 6.26
2 7 Burke, Handiboe, Lundfelt 103.0 17 6.05
3 10 Alvarez, Alvarez, Desmarais, Griffiths 100.5 17 5.91
4 3 Cirio, Malick, Rahnis, Skursky, Walters 97.0 17 5.70
5 5 Erlandson, Kumar, Gibson, Krueger 86.5 16 5.40
6 2 Francomacaro, Reek, Sak 85.0 16 5.31
7 8 Marrese, Cook, Folkerts 83.0 16 5.18
8 6 David, McNelly, Reese, Upton 81.5 16 5.09
9 4 Griesmar, Swana, Cascio, Ford 81.0 16 5.06
10 9 Phillippi, Maras, Rooney, Hoff 78.0 16 4.87

Diamond Ridge: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2019 - Rattlewood

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 7 Burke, Hasselbarth, Handiboe, Lundfelt 107.0 17 6.29
2 2 Young, Harshman 98.0 17 5.76
3 4 Trunk, Wehar, Gartz 90.0 16 5.62
4 3 Magee, Anderson 85.5 16 5.34
5 1 Gibson, Adams, Brandt, Salazar, Overly 84.5 16 5.28
6 6 Saunders, Coolahan, Reinders, Rosenlof, West, Hyer 82.0 16 5.12
7 5 McEntire, Smith, Roca, Hagan, Hudson 76.0 16 4.75

Rattlewood: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2019 - Northwest Park

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 5 Webbert, Cho, Mudrick, Hedman 113.0 17 6.64
2 3 D'Ambrosio, Steinwand, Leopold, David 111.0 17 6.52
3 8 Kim, Holzinger, Schloesser, Berends, Murphy 102.5 17 6.02
4 4 Sames, Renda, Osten, Schmidt, Lidard 96.0 17 5.64
5 9 Hibbard, Mastandrea, Adams, Keller, Schkoda 88.5 16 5.53
-tie- 7 Koehler, Cooley, Miller, Batzler, Lennox, Duhon 88.5 16 5.53
7 6 Anderson, Adams, Gibson, Salazar, Overly 84.0 16 5.25
8 1 Marquart, Mackey, Terlaje, Terlaje, Trepkowski, Phillips 76.0 16 4.75
9 10 Rodberg, Barlow, Niewola, Anderson, Henry, Aumiller, Hegarty 72.0 16 4.50
10 2 Farrell, Wisner, Thompson, Sunday 70.5 16 4.40

Northwest Park: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2019 - Fairway Hills

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 3 Cirio, Malick, Rahnis, Skursky, Walters 114.0 17 6.70
2 2 Moss, Holdefer, Timmer, Shulder 111.0 17 6.52
3 7 Prosser, Lindemon, Tepe, Layman 96.5 16 6.03
4 6 Griffiths, Alvarez, Marrese, Bader 96.0 16 6.00
5 4 McVey, Phillips, Quinn, Schuh, Mudrick, Marquart 84.0 16 5.25
6 9 Dolinish, Ringerud, Champion, Andrews, White, Roschy 83.0 16 5.18
7 8 Oxenrider, Osei-Wusu, Osei-Wusu, Landshof, Kennerly 80.0 16 5.00
8 1 Gribben, Mudrick, Henrick 74.0 16 4.62
9 5 Hyer, Sapp, Engler, Leger, Holmes, Safranski, Damion 64.5 16 4.03

Fairway Hills: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2019 - Timbers at Troy

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 1 Sommer, Baker, Kim, Cirio 110.0 17 6.47
2 4 Kennerly, Ericksen, Brandt, Jaunzemis, Landshof 103.0 17 6.05
3 6 Case, Baumgart, Torruellas, Wichlin, Sopcisak 97.0 17 5.70
4 2 Mathews, Linderman, Patterson, Morris 95.0 17 5.58
5 5 Kistler, Langhauser, Barker, Bitner, Kistler 82.0 15 5.46
6 7 Hyer, Sapp, Engler, Leger, Holmes, Safranski, Damion 82.0 16 5.12
7 3 Ford, Friedman, Hartle, Honda 76.0 15 5.06
8 8 Broskow, Carder, Kim, Bowen 70.0 16 4.37

Timbers at Troy: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs

2019 - League Playoffs

Standings (Sorted by Average Points)

Position Team Players Points Won Matches Average
1 6 D'Ambrosio, Steinwand, Leopold, David 23.5 3 7.83
2 5 Cannon, Cannon, Hohman, Wallace 18.0 3 6.00
3 1 Cirio, Malick, Skursky, Walters 11.0 2 5.50
4 4 Burke, Hasselbarth, Handiboe, Lundfelt 5.0 1 5.00
5 7 Moss, Holdefer, Timmer, Shulder 9.5 2 4.75
6 2 Webbert, Cho, Mudrick, Hedman 4.5 1 4.50
7 3 Sommer, Baker, Kim 3.0 1 3.00
8 8 Kennerly, Ericksen, Jaunzemis, Landshof 2.5 1 2.50

League Playoffs: Go to Main | Flight | Roster | Schedule | Standings | Stats | Notes | Subs